In ancient times, they said that the king was sleeping on his back, the sage on his side, and the rich man on his stomach. And how do you sleep? The usual pose will tell you all about your temperament and health, this is what the healer William Ven advised to his patients, who lived in the 17th century: “First sleep on the right side with an open mouth and leave a hole through which the steam can go out”. However, few people in this matter follow medical recommendations: we choose a pose for sleeping more unconsciously.
The embryo pose – those who sleep sweeter, curled up with a kalachik, pulling his knees to the chest – emotional, vulnerable, sensitive and vulnerable people. They subconsciously seek support and protection at night, as if returning to the mother womb. Emotions for them mean more than the mind. Such a pose speaks of a fear of changes and the need to reveal your internal potential. This is a ladies pose – every second woman will read to sleep on her side. If the legs are extended, this speaks of inner peace and balance. Such people know how to enjoy life and do not be upset about trifles. But lovers to put your palms under their heads are distinguished by suspicion.
Royal Pose – a man sleeping on his back with arms and legs spread in different directions, will feel at home both in the barn and in the royal palace. Nothing can shake his confidence in his own strength and his own correctness. Night “kings” love to command and lead, they are a reliable support of their family. Cheerfulness and sociability make them pleasant interlocutors of kings enthusiastically take up everything new and willingly go to experiments.
Soldier’s pose – on their backs, stretching down the string, sleepy subordinates are sleeping: they are performing, hardworking and do not seek to stand out from the crowd. They reluctantly show the initiative, but if they promised something, they will do it. Night “soldiers” do not scandal over trifles, bribe their calmness and desire for stability.
The pose of the conservative – few sleep on the stomach. Less than 10% of people feel comfortable, falling asleep at night. These perfection lovers live according to strictly established rules. Their motto: “Discipline and control!»They are characteristic of conservatism and distrust of new trends.
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