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Syntomycin ointment – an effective anti -inflammatory agent

Many since childhood are familiar with a universal external anti -inflammatory agent – synthomycin ointment. It is advisable to have this drug in every first -aid kit, since the ointments have no equal in terms of efficiency of combating different inflammatory processes.

The basis of synthomycin ointment is levomicetin – an antibiotic with a wide range of action. All ointment in its structure is also similar to this substance and has identical methods of combating inflammatory processes.

Syntomycin ointment is a highly effective tool that affects not only various bacteria, but even some large viruses.

Levomycetin, even in small doses, actively affects strains of bacteria that are resistant to various drugs, and also has high bacteriostatic properties, that is, it prevents the further reproduction of bacteria.

The composition of the synthomycin ointment also includes castor oil, which has an excellent anti -inflammatory and antiseptic effect on the skin. Therefore, the use of synthomycin ointment always gives a good effect in the fight against various types of infections that are reflected in the condition of the skin.

Syntomycin ointment must be used with redness, skin irritation, pain when pressing the skin, or the presence of an inflammatory focus.

The instruction to the drug suggests that it is an effective external remedy used to treat wounds, abrasions, burns, frostbite, internal abscesses, boils and various subcutaneous inflammations.

The properties of synthomycin ointment give it the opportunity to easily penetrate under the skin and have an effective effect on bacteria and hidden foci of inflammation. The use of synthomycin ointment is possible as a means for the treatment of purulent wounds, purulent-inflammatory processes on the skin and mucous membranes, ulcers.

A small content in this drug novocaine is responsible for this quality – an anesthetic that has no side effects.

The drug is also known as a highly effective agent agent. Syntomycin ointment quickly relieves inflammation of the purulent pimples, drying them well and destroying them without the risk of infection.

The use of synthomycin ointment occurs by the external method, the affected areas can be smeared both pointwise and by applying a dressing with parchment or compressor paper. Syntomycin ointment for acne can be used pointwise, by applying several times a day, and more serious inflammations should be treated using dressings. In the case of treatment of burns, the ointment must be applied with a thin layer no more than once a day, such a treatment is well combined with the use of levomicetin tablets inside.

Side effects of synthomycin ointment are observed quite rarely. Some people may have a sensation of light pinching during the treatment of the wound, irritation caused by intolerance to the drug, allergic rashes, in extremely rare cases – angioedema. This ointment always dries and brightens the skin, so it is advisable to use it in combination with drugs caring for the skin. To use the ointment during pregnancy, you need to consult a doctor.


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