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How to organize the best day of the year

Sometimes it seems to you that life is like a well -known film “Surka Day”? Let’s try to rewrite the script ..

The first series is the beginning. Usually morning for you is akin to torture. Loudly the alarm clock calls, but I don’t want to wake up, and you lie in bed until the last.

And then the races begin. As a result, you paint your eyelashes on the go and run away from the debt without having breakfast.

Now we will take a classic English cinema, which is based on grace, there are not many irony and nothing more.

The best day is good morning

– The soundtrack is not a squeaky call of the alarm clock, but a pleasant chatter of radio or favorite funny music.

– Swift rise and feverish running around are canceled. Waking up, the heroine calmly lies in bed and thinks about a pleasant. Then stretches like a cat and gets up.

– She perceives reflection in the mirror without panic, but with a certain share of irony.

– She turns the usual morning procedures into a pleasant and useful ritual.

For this in the evening, he prepares a decoction of chamomile, pours it into ice molds and leaves it in the freezer at night. In the morning, instead of hastily, fringed your face with hard, chlorinated water, carefully wipe your face, neck and neckline with a couple of cubes of “chamomile ice”.

The second series is the climax. Usually the first half of the day you tune in to work, and then you try to catch up with the lost time, but you, as a rule, rarely succeed.

Now the script is based on an adventure film, “Lara Crossrt – Tomb of Tombs”.

Working afternoon the best day

– The heroine runs around the office, famously “shoots two hands” into the most difficult working issues and at the same time looks like he was engaged in his favorite hobby.

– In the breaks between shooting, she massages biologically active points, namely: so far no one sees, rubs her earlobes and plips himself by the nose.

– In addition, she periodically does breathing exercises. For example, this: for three minutes breathes slowly, calmly, deeply and imagines that all enemies are already completely destroyed. The heroine always holds back straight, walks with her head raised high. After all, she knows that troubles as a fire are afraid of confident posture.

The best day is the final

O6, you return the long from work, irritated, so. What do you think the day will be in wasted. First you order pizza for debt, then, you talk with a friend on the phone for half an hour, then you turn on the TV and eat pizza after watching the film. For this, there is a dream … Now action is smoothly moving into a romantic film.

The best day is good night

Returning home, the heroine tries to forget about daytime problems as soon as possible. For this she:

– Turns on pleasant music and listens to it, closing his eyes.

– Takes a warm shower using a fragrant gel with lavender, applies moisturizing milk to the body and wraps up in a bathrobe.

– With pleasure smiles at his reflection in the mirror and ..

Options for further development of events come up with and implement yourself. Do not limit your imagination!

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