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Why does the back hurt in youth: causes and consequences

Have you ever wondered what is the cause of back pain since youth? What processes occur in the body?

Most of us live according to the scenario of long years of study, sitting work and minimal physical exertion. And the consequences of this do not force themselves to wait – at the age of twenty, the back is inflicting ‘’ retaliatory blow ‘’ with its constant fatigue, pain and a sense of discomfort.

In addition to omissions in lifestyle, such pain provokes, first of all, the underdevelopment of the muscles. The stooping and curvature of the spinal column leading to pain is an obligatory attribute of the lethargy of the spinal muscles. And when it comes to unusual or excessive loads, the muscles themselves can hurt. However, the case with the back muscles is not limited to, in this matter the training of the abdominal wall is no less important. A factor in the vertebral displacement in the lumbar region is a flabby stomach devoid of any aesthetics.

In addition, the training of the femoral and gluteal muscles directly affects the state of the spine, which allowing the body’s pelvic department to maintain in the correct position.

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