Not all people are satisfied with their successes and themselves. It happens that personal plans cannot be realized due to the fact that a person is uncertain, inorganized, does not know what to do in non-standard situations.
You can help yourself in different ways, one of which is self -support.
Or has recently received a wide development of bodily oriented therapy, which makes it possible to significantly simplify the solution of psychological problems and improve the body. Due to the large number of positive qualities of this therapy, she has already gained quite great popularity among Russians.
Ambassador, self -hypnosis – the main tools for working on oneself in this case. Self -support can also apply the form of self -criticism. These, for example, are such remarks to yourself as “that you are deoxid”, criticism of yourself in the presence of friends. If there are feelings of offended pride, the desire to prove to the world that they are capable of more, this will help. However, if the strong -willed qualities of self -criticism do not hurt, it is better to refuse it. Psychologists have long noted that “even a small victory over his shortcomings forms will and character”.
It is also possible to influence yourself with the help of self -confusion, it will help to change the mental state with the help of approval or condemnation of their actions. After discussing the correct or undesirable actions, perhaps the right decision will ripen, or a self -order about the need for a certain step. Unfortunately, self -accommodation does not always work. The human psyche may “get tired” or not to obey, that is, the result may be externally, and there will be tension and discontent inside. In this case, you can try self -hypnosis and mental representation of the desired.
So, we must make a clear program for yourself, analyze what qualities to work on and mentally imagine yourself the way you want to become.