For the first time, roses are mentioned in the documents of another 3 century BC. In ancient Greece, the poetess Sappho, somewhere in 500 BC, called Rosa the queen of all colors. This glory about the rose has come to this day. But it is true, is there something more beautiful than a rose?
These are beautiful shrubs with amazing unpaired leaves. There are different roses in height: low from 15 to 50 cm, medium from 50 to 100 cm, high from 100 to 200 cm. Poster roses are also on sale. They have thin stems and lay down on the ground or support. Shoots, as a rule, are covered with spikes of various shapes and sizes. Rose flowers have a very pleasant aroma, they are different in color and degree of terry.
Began to grow roses on the territory of temples and in the gardens of the richest people. These flowers have always played a role in politics, religion, economics and literature. More Horace 2 thousand. years ago he wrote that the fields that were previously sowed with bread are now planted by roses. Growing roses was somewhat more profitable than producing food products.
Residents of Rome adorned the roses of the bed, dwellings and baths. In those days, it was believed that rose petals help maintain youth and beauty.
In the Middle Ages there was even a belief that roses help girls win the heart of a beloved man. Even in distant times, cosmetic and therapeutic agents from rose petals were known. Long before n. e. In China, they already knew how to make pink oil, but its use was the privilege of only rich people. Simple people could afford, only a few dried rose petals to wear under clothes in a special bag.
Pure pink oil was produced only in the middle of the 17th century in Europe. They used it, spreading around the eyes to cure eye diseases, to treat nasal bleeding, it helped with headaches and gastric diseases. Healers and pharmacists also produced pink vinegar, honey and rubbed the petals in a mortar, sprinkling them with sugar. This very mixture of sugar and petals was very recommended from liver diseases. Pink sugar was treated consumption. Smoke from dried petals sprinkled on charcoal, treated pain in the ears.
Nowadays, weave roses are also very actively used in cosmetics and as a source of vitamin C. This queen of flowers, amazing with its beauty of our ancestors, and today, remained a common favorite.