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Is it worth starting a service novel: consequences

If you have not yet asked such a question, it means that you are working in a women’s team, or there are catastrophically lacking men in your organization. Many women are afraid to start novels at work. And this is not only because the authorities are very critical of this type of relationship, but because it is not known what it will turn out if the relationship ends.

All groups are submissive to novels.

It doesn’t matter if you work in Tikhoretsk or some other city, in a bank or at the enterprise, the insidious Amur launches its arrows and falls into the very heart. And it seems that you are both adults, and you are not burdened with family relationships, but still keeps something from being completely surrendered to relationships. On the one hand, what could be bad in that two people found each other. And on the other hand – where is the guarantee that this is the only one (naya). It is this fear that does not allow to move on. After all, what will happen if everything ends once, what colleagues will say, and how to catch his eye ..

Secret meetings. Way out?

You can, of course, start dating secretly. At least if anything, then condemnation from the team does not threaten. But what to do, if even a breakdown of relations is possible? Before you start twisting a service novel, decide: will you be ready, for example, to change your work if necessary. Although do not forget that everything is secret, sooner or later, it becomes clear.

Romance with the chef.

The chef is the same man as the rest. It is only at the workplace he has a little power. What to do if a romance with a chef is pushed. Firstly, it is worth remembering that the chef is always closely monitored (especially those who do not mind twisting the novel with it), so it is not the fact that it will be possible to meet secretly. Secondly, it should be remembered that the end of your relationship can cost you work.

In any case, the woman goes to work in order to relax from home and therefore only decide whether you want your vacation to be accompanied by all persons with familiar persons. Be a service novel? Having evaluated all the pros and cons, most likely not. But if you still decided that this is love – change your job and … twist the novel to health.

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