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How to effectively protect trees in the garden: the choice of the effective method

How to effectively protect trees in the garden: the choice of the effective method

Almost everyone who is engaged in gardening is faced with the need to protect the trees lovingly grown from diseases or pests. There are four protection methods:

agrotechnical methods;

mechanical tools;

biological methods;

chemical drugs.

If you need to buy plant protection products, go to the TREMARKET online store. , where a wide range of such drugs is presented.


This method implies the following:

– Choosing a place for a site. It is best to place the site away from the surface location of groundwater so that the roots of the trees are not subjected to so that it can subsequently lead to the disease;

– The right selection of varieties is a seedling most suitable for a given area;

– preliminary inspection of the material for planting in order to identify existing diseases or damage caused by pests;

– Accounting for plant compatibility and specific varieties, since some species simply cannot “get along” in one site, having natural incompatibility. It is also necessary to take into account the subsequent treatment with chemicals, so that, processing some plants, not to harm another, not compatible with this drug;

– Timely care for the site: weeding, circumcision of crowns and dry branches, timely collection of rotten fruits.


– identification and mechanical destruction of pests;

– early enclosure of the site and individual trees from animals;

– cutting of shoots that have already been damaged and infected areas;

– the use of scarecrow, special hunting belts, wrapping the trunks of the Trunes, the matting.


The most environmentally friendly method, due to its natural naturalness. It boils down to the fact that several natural enemies of one or another pest are hooked into the garden. But it should be borne in mind that the predators themselves can harm the garden, so the gardener should be ready if necessary to get rid of them. Here are a few general recommendations:

– Tits cope well with the invasion of insects, and the mountainous ones – with caterpillars;

– God’s cows with appetite eat aphids, copper, thyroid gland;

– In the fight against aphids, gold-eyed, flies-makeshorts, ants and dragonflies help well;

– Trichograms – insects, lay their eggs in larvae and beetles, which destroy them, but in areas with cold climate the effectiveness of trichograms is reduced.


Perhaps the most effective and most common method. This is not only plant processing with poisons and chemicals, but also, for example, whitewashing trunks, as well as soil fertilizer.

A competent combination of all of the above methods allows you to effectively fight pests and diseases.

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