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How to effectively get rid of yellowness of nails at home

How to get rid of yellowness of nails ?? Every woman wants everything in her to be fine, every part of her body looks healthy and well -groomed. Nails are also an integral part of the beauty of the woman’s hands. After all, if your nails are dull, yellow, brittle and sick, then they will look very bad, and with their appearance they will spoil the beauty of your hands. Often women face the problem of yellowness of nails, and, of course, they want to get rid of it, this can come from the use of very low quality nail polish, or from constant contact of nails with detergents and cleaning products. How to get rid of yellowness of nails ?? Every woman wants everything in her to be fine, every part of her body looks healthy and well -groomed. Nails are also an integral part of the beauty of the woman’s hands. After all, if your nails are dull, yellow, brittle and sick, then they will look very bad, and with their appearance they will spoil the beauty of your hands. Often women face the problem of yellowness of nails, and, of course, they want to get rid of it, this can come from the use of very low quality nail polish, or from constant contact of nails with detergents and cleaning products. Therefore, to protect the nails from the harmful effects of chemicals, use rubber gloves when you contact with chemicals. But if everything, your nails need to be whitening, use folk recipes for this, which contains only natural components and do not contain chemicals.

1. Take a teaspoon of olive oil and add three drops of pine oils, jojoba, bergamot to it, and also not only whitens well, but also strengthens the nails of the cedar and sandal. Rub this composition into the nails and the cuticle area before going to bed.

2. Make a pleasant oil bath of six tablespoons of warmed, better in a water bath, almond oil, two drops of vitamin E and a, only their oil solutions. Stir everything until a homogeneous mass and let cool a little so that it does not burn, then dip your fingers so that the nails are in this composition, and hold it for about 20 minutes. Then cut the large lemon into two parts, and put the fingertips there for 5 minutes, then again for 10 minutes in oil. And after that, do not wash your hands, but soak and dry them with a linen cloth. If you use this tool to prevent the appearance of yellowness, then use it once a week, and if for treatment, then three times a week.

3. The mask made of egg yolk is suitable not only for bleaching nails, but also to prevent their relaxation. Take one boiled yolk and open it with 5 g of melted, warm wax, and add lemon oil about half a spoon, stir all. Apply this mass with a thick layer before bedtime on the nails, and put on the linen gloves on top, remove everything in the morning and wipe the nails with fresh lemon juice.

4. Daily in the morning, rub in the nails and cuticle the oil and lemon oil taken in the same amount, if you have problems with nails, and if for prevention, then a week in a day, then two weeks a break, then again.

5. The natural color of the nails is also restored by a warm bath of grape seed oil, avocado butter, and apple vinegar vinegar. All components must be taken in equal quantities. Dip the fingertips so that all the nails are covered in the resulting mixture, and hold half an hour, then wipe your hands with a soft, dry cloth, do not wash off.

Remember when you are faced with the problem of yellowness of nails, during its elimination, do not use varnishes and enamel for nails, as they are very slow down the restoration process.

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