When a person is healthy, he will pay little attention to what he eats. He should get sick as he begins to seek out the highest imported drugs, forgetting about food, which is lying on a reliable existing treatment agent.
When a person begins to get involved in various drugs, and even in impermissible large quantities, this can lead to a medicinal disease, allergies and various complications. Of course, it is impossible to do without drugs, but they should be used within reasonable limits.
There will be more benefit if they replace them with a natural healing agent, like food and therapeutic nutrition. When a baby is born, he first requires food. Hence with confidence, we can conclude that the body receives everything necessary for building cells of organs and systems precisely from the composition of the food he takes.
How fully the nutrition will depend on the general condition of the human body. In case of disease, the value of proper nutrition comes to the fore, since about 50 indispensable components of a healthy diet should enter the body. The diet should always be present: fats, proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, etc.