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What is winter fishing: how to organize

Some fans of fishing do not think that in the cold and a cold, fishing still can become interesting. In winter, it is quite possible to catch from the shore if the river, of course, has not frozen.

Particularly known at the moment of the winter type of fishing – spinning. Often the most reckless fishermen just like in the summer, take spinning and begin to hunt a predator. We advise us to consider traditional fishing from ice here. We think that not all people have tasted the taste of such fishing. Believe me, this lesson has its own charm, and by visiting the online store profile you can choose the best tackle for winter fishing.

Fishing in winter

Within the framework of this article, we want to dispel the myth that if you catch fish from ice, then it is unsafe here, it is not interesting and much more. You can give some advice to beginners in this matter. Literally in a week they will be able to prepare for the first exit on the ice. Perhaps there will be successes.

In winter fishing, everything is much simpler than in summer. Almost all fishermen in winter, go fishing when they have free time. We also have experience, and many secrets have accumulated and we want to share with readers in this article. Winter fishing always differs from fishing in the summer.

True, there are people who go in winter to not frozen sections of the river in order to catch a pike. But many in this case are still trying to go out onto the ice. You cannot compare such fishing with something else, since you can go to any section of the river and start fishing. There is no need a boat or owl boots here. True, when fishing in winter, there is some difference. Usually at this time the fish pecks not like in the summer. It becomes passive, but it happens not everywhere. There are places where the perch pecks perfectly, and you can get great pleasure from the “frantic” bite here.

Hunting for roach in winter

In winter, you do not need to carry long rods and a bunch of different nozzles with you. You all need it – this is a box and a bourgeois. Among other things, you need to dress warmly. All winter gear is placed in a small box. In winter, you are unlikely to freeze, since you often have to drill holes. A mosquito will not bite you here, and the midge will not bother you. If you caught a lot of fish, then you do not need to worry that it will disappear from the heat. In winter, as well as in summer you can catch any fish, and there is no difference.

Some fishermen are very fond of catching in the summer using a feeder silt float. In winter, you can always go to an open pond and enjoy catching perch, pike perch and pike. In winter, in warm times, you can catch a bream or large roach for summer fishing rod if you wish. Simply put, winter fishing is universal, and here all fishermen can catch on those tackles that love. Moreover, in order to engage in such fishing, you need to make a small fishing rod and attack mormyshki. Many make a box for sitting and gear themselves. You only buy a boat. This type of fishing is considered the most economical.

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