A lover is a terrible word when you are married. And when you yourself are a lover yourself, these are rare meetings, hopes, and … his promises. How to determine the seriousness of his intentions and promises? Is it possible to change the status of “lover” for the title “wife”?
Listen to what he says.
For various reasons, each man goes to the left. For some, this is a way to escape from family routine, for some this is the need to diversify sexual life, and someone for love. Why then men dodge and lie, but do not dare to get away from their wives? Here it is necessary to listen to what your man says. Despite love, try to be pragmatic. Feel free to ask questions: “When you leave your wife”, “When we live together”. Remember that your best years you live in the shadow of his wife. One you meet holidays and cannot show your feelings in public. Whether you want it and how much more time you are ready to wait?
Do not be afraid to check your man.
Try to check: what a man is ready for for you. If he is afraid of his wife or friends of friends, invite him, for example, to buy a house in Davlekanovo and move away from all. If a man loves you truly, then he will not have doubts and questions like “why” or “how will we live there”. Find out what your man is ready for not in words, but in practice.
Understand your feelings.
Love, of course, the thing is insidious and the think is very disturbed, but still. Take yourself in your hands and think about it “Is it a man”? Is it worth waiting for him and whether to believe his promises? And most importantly, it is worth thinking about the fact that if he was able to change once, then he can change then? Do not follow fleeting feelings and sexual hobbies. There are still enough men around, not burdened by the bonds and among them, for sure, is the most worthy. Worthy of you!